I finally broke down and bought my first bag of these today.
Okay, that's a lie. The first bag was purchased the day after Valentine's Day.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Oh sweet goodness
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1:46 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Oscar Party!
Yesterday was the Annual Beckstead's Oscar party complete with ballots, bingo and trivia. Of course there were prizes for the winners.
I rode the No Country for Old Men train to victory! Well sort of. I knew this movie was going to pick up many awards but my other picks were not as good . I could not pick anything right. I mean who can see all the foreign language films or know who is going to win the editing award? I think I ended up with 9 or 10 correct. Betsy was the big winner with a 14!!! She won a movie gift certificate and bragging rights for one year!
I did win a bingo round and won this! So good. Bingo was fun, the squares were categories like, "thanks the academy," "awkward joke," and "raises statue over head" as well as other things. I filled in most of my squares during Jon Stewart's opening monologue. He was so funny!
There were also movie inspired snacks. Betsy made Broken-heart buttermilk biscuits inspired by the movie Atonement. Betsy used a heart-shaped cookie cutter and they were sooooo good. I think Emily made Ratatouille. Someone brought Sunny delight. Alex made milkshakes. I wish I had photos of everything but I forgot my camera. Such a fun night!
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8:33 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sick Days
The Monday before the Superbowl (that’s how I gauge everything in my life…pre or post Superbowl) Steve and I went to bed. I remember waking up for a second around 3am and realizing my arm was touching Steve’s body and thinking in my head “he is burning up…he is literally on fire!” Then I went back to sleep. Fast forward to 5am and Steve was tapping me on the shoulder saying “babe? Are you awake?” Apparently I had rolled over or breathed deeply and he took this to mean I was moments away from waking up which I’m pretty sure I wasn’t. He then said in a really pitiful voice “I’m sick.” So being this was my first chance to be an official wife with a sick husband I instantly woke up…asked him sweetly if he was okay and then jumped to action. I found our rectal thermometer and took Steve’s temp and it was 103! I went downstairs and got him two icy beverages…one water, one Squirt, both with bendy straws. I also got a nice cool damp washcloth for his head and some Advil. After about 30 minutes of TLC he was fast asleep and I was on my way back to dreamland with another 45 minutes of beautiful sleep waiting to be had before my real wake up time.
Steve spent that whole week sick. He worked a couple of days. Stayed home a couple of days. Spent a lot of time on the couch. Watched a lot of Mythbusters. Took a lot of naps. Started to feel better…went back to feeling worse…back and forth back and forth. It was a tough week for him for a couple of reasons. Reason one: Sick. Reason two: Apparently my tolerance for caring for my sick husband lasts about 3 days before I start to get annoyed. I need to work on this…baby steps. Friday night things were bad again…he was feeling terrible so I went to Walgreen's to buy some cold & flu medicine and came home with this:
Steve took one look at it and commented on how I obviously didn't love him enough to buy the real stuff. Silly Steve. This is just an example of how fiscally responsible I am. Also, I like the Walgreen's generic drug marketing. It's great. And so clever! Everyone in my office is sick right now so today I went and bought me some of this:
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2:57 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Maybe you've read my other blog. It's a really good blog. I love it a lot. That blog is all about me and my old roommate Rebecca and our adventures living in our apartment in San Francisco. We haven't exactly decided what we're going to do with that blog but we do know it's much harder to maintain when we don't live down the hallway from each other. When we officially figure out what's going on over there, we'll let you know.
In the great tradition of starting amazing new blogs on Valentine's Day, I figured it a good idea to officially begin the story of Santos the Family today.
Steve is my husband. He loves plants. I should clarify...he loves "real" plants. Not "fake" plants like roses that have been genetically altered and altered and altered to look the way they do. Let me apologize now for my lack of science speak but apparently real roses only have 4 petals. Not the lovely mess of petals we're use to. All those petals are actually stamen. In fact roses disgust Steve so much that he refuses to buy them for me. I'm a lucky girl anyway though because Steve gives me non-rose type flowers at least once a month. He typically buys them from Trader Joe's and they are beautiful and look like this.
Last night when I got home from work, much to my surprise and totally against everything Steve stands for, these were sitting on our kitchen table for me.
So many stamen.
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4:06 PM