Last Friday I was hit from behind on the freeway. It was pretty dramatic, looking in your rear view mirror to see a white Toyota with smoking tires and swerving out of control as you are breaking for traffic. Boom! I was spun around but since I was breaking for traffic did not hit anything or anyone else.
The damage to our car was severe but the car was drivable. I was lucky. The rear drivers side was damaged and our trunk was hard to close. But today the Geico representative told me it was going to be about $6000 or more to fix which is more than the car is worth.
We are getting a new car!
I hope Betsy lets us get one of
these! (You know, for field work)
Dear Maxima,
We loved your plush soft interior, your roomy comfortable seats, your sweet sound system. We're sorry the last few years of your life were spent on the streets of San Francisco, and that you had to spend 2 days in the scary tow yard this summer. We'll miss your reliable transportation and hope you end up somewhere nice. If not, let your body be recycled into a new car. Goodbye Maxima.
The Santos'